Respuesta :

Opening statement by plaintiff or prosecutorStep 1. Explains the evidence and what is intended to be provenOpening statement by defenseStep 2. Explains flaws in prosecution case, lays out contradicting evidence, alternate theory of crimeDirect examination by plaintiff or prosecutorStep 3. Questions witness, tell story of events, lay out crime and evidence to support prosecution's theory of caseCross examination by defenseStep 4. Question each prosecution witness, discredit witness - character assassinationMotionsStep 5. Longest step, usually made by defense to suppress evidence/witness testimonyDirect examination by defenseStep 6. Questions each of witnesses, tell story why defendant did NOT commit crime, experts create reasonable doubtCross examination by plaintiff or prosecutionStep 7. Question defense witnesses, discredit witnessesClosing statement by plaintiff or prosecutionStep 8. Review evidence, recap witness testimony, review everything for jury, ask for a GUILTY verdictClosing statement by defenseStep 9. Point out errors in prosecutions case, create reasonable doubt, find unkept promises to prove made by prosecution, asks for NOT-GUILTY verdictRebuttal argumentStep 10. Plaintiff/prosecution closing remarks, can only address points raised in defense's closingJury instructionsStep 11. Judge reviews all laws w/ jury and what they can convict defendant of, possible punishmentsVerdictStep 12. Unanimous decision required for conviction, no unanimous decision results in mistrial (hung jury)