What was likely the main reason for the decline in knowledge of Latin after the fall of the Roman Empire?
Rural people now had less time to study Latin because they needed to work their land.
Europe became more separated by languages, such as Spanish and French.
Latin evolved into German and English, making it less important to know Latin. Warrior kings could not read or write Latin, making it less important for citizens to learn.

Respuesta :


Europe became more separated by languages, such as Spanish and French.


Following the fall of the Rome, the feudal system started because the Roman Empire fell. It affected the European society by making Europe be divided into Barbarian kingdoms. There are hundreds of Barbarian kingdoms.

The period after the fall of Rome in Europe is often referred to as the Dark Ages because of the lack of learning and establishment of feudalism.

Latin is the origin of some European languages e.g. French, Italian, Spanish etc (the Romance languages). However, Latin is closely related to other Indo European Languages and shares many words with the majority of present-day languages.

Europe became more separated by languages, such as Spanish and French.

Further  Explanation-

The use of Latin was discontinued after the decline of the Roman Empire due to the invasion of the Vandals and Goths. However, the speaking and writing Latin did not disappear completely from the linguistic surface of Medieval Europe. Latin instead became the language of the elite, the aristocracy, and it signified a hierarchy. Latin was the official language of the Roman consuls and the Roman aristocracy, and the rich heritage of Roman civilization made the aristocrats of Europe adopt Latin as the language of the elite, which separated them from the working class and the Serfs. The concept of Latin dying out with the Roman Empire is essentially a phrase used to signify its transformation to the other European languages, namely, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.

The decline of the use of Latin has been mainly credited to the decline of the Roman Empire, however, there were other factors that contributed to its decline in popularity within the Europeans. With the conquering of Europe by the Goths and Vandals, the Roman administration was dislodged, and the feudal society was introduced. The concept of feudalism was based on a strictly hierarchical basis. Latin was designated as the language of the elite, while the working class and serfs did not have access to it. Latin was also the language of Christianity, which explains the inaccessibility of the common people to religious scriptures. The Roman Empire broke into several regional provinces, which developed their indigenous contacts and cultures. This led to the emergence of several regional and local languages, with their own dialects and scripts.  

Answer Details

Grade- High School

Chapter- The fall of the Roman Empire

Subject- History


Latin, aristocracy, Roman civilization, hierarchy, culture, religious language, working-class, serfs, indigenous cultures and dialects