During an experiment, Harry enclosed two leaves of a plant in glass flasks labeled A and B. Flask A had water and carbon dioxide. Flask B had potassium hydroxide solution to absorb carbon dioxide. Harry kept the plants in sunlight and watered them every day.
Which statement best describes the result of this experiment?
The leaf in flask A will not get oxygen to make glucose.
The leaf in flask A will convert water into carbon dioxide.
The leaf in flask B will not get carbon dioxide to make glucose.
The leaf in flask B will remove the carbon dioxide produced.

Respuesta :

The answer here is THE LEAF IN FLASK B WILL NOT GET CARBON DIOXIDE TO MAKE GLUCOSE. In order to carry out photosynthesis, plant needs several ingredients. It needs  chlorophyll, the green coloring pigment in plants, sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. To nurture growth, plant needs a favorable medium (usually good soil but there are also those that can grow attached to another plant and those called aerial plants) and nutrients. Carbon dioxide is one of the most abundant gases in the atmosphere. It plays an important role in both plant (photosynthesis) and animal (respiration) processes. In photosynthesis, green plants convert carbon dioxide and water into food compounds such as glucose and water. The oxygen released during photosynthesis is needed by animals, human also, for respiration. Potassium hydroxide, on the other hand, is an inorganic solid compound which absorbs carbon dioxide. During experiments, plants placed inside a solution with potassium hydroxide will test negative in starch test. Absence of starch is attributed to the absorption of carbon dioxide by potassium hydroxide. Photosynthesis did not happen because of the absence of one of its ingredients which is carbon dioxide,hence absence of one of the end products, starch. 


The leaf in flask B will not get carbon dioxide to make glucose.


I just took the test.