John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory that traces a pilgrim's journey. The deeper meaning revolves around the metaphor that life is a journey. In the table below, explain what concept or symbolic meaning each character from " The Pilgrim's Progress" represents. Characters:
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Christian= Christian is the central character. As his name suggests, he represents the search for religious truth.

Evangelist= Evangelist is the messenger carrying the gospel, which are teachings of the Christian Bible. He represents the idea that God sends us messengers who show us the path on our spiritual journey.

Obstinate= Obstinate is Christian’s neighbor. As his name suggests, he represents resistance and some people’s inability to adapt to change.

Pliable= Pliable is also Christian’s neighbor. He is kind and agrees to join Christian in the pilgrimage. Yet he lacks the will to commit and easily changes his mind. This character represents humanity’s weak will and lack of resolution. He also stands for people who are not true believers but follow the trends of the day.

The concept or symbolic meaning each character from The Pilgrim's Progress  represents are as below:

  • Christian - Christian is the central character. As his name suggests, he represents the search for religious truth.

  • Evangelist - Evangelist is the messenger carrying the gospel, which are teachings of the Christian Bible. He represents the idea that God sends us messengers who show us the path on our spiritual journey.

  • Obstinate -  Obstinate is Christian’s neighbor. As his name suggests, he represents resistance and some people’s inability to adapt to change.

  • Pliable - Pliable is also Christian’s neighbor. He is kind and agrees to join Christian in the pilgrimage. Yet he lacks the will to commit and easily changes his mind.

This characters represents humanity’s weak will and lack of resolution. He also stands for people who are not true believers but follow the trends of the day.

The significant topic in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is the expense of salvation. As Christian's excursion demonstrates, the way to Heaven is difficult, the expense is extraordinary, and the genuine Christian should pay the expense regardless. Man is loaded with wrongdoing, however this doesn't hold him back from accomplishing magnificence.

Pioneer's Progress has been an exemplary for many years all things considered, yet it tends to be somewhat hard to get past from the beginning, particularly assuming that you are perusing it as a family.

At whatever point I read it, they hold tight every word. We have perused this story likely multiple times, yet they actually look for it over and over.

Bunyan made his significant characters and a considerable lot of his minor characters both similar and fluctuated.

Consequently, The Pilgrim's Progress has extraordinary worth as an artistic work just as a practical story that explains topics of salvation, allurement, the Christian's reinforcement, and the advantages of Christian cooperation.

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