Respuesta :

The five techniques of neutralization are the following;

first is the denial of responsibility and one example is a white lie. We acknowledge doing the wrong behavior because we are forced to do so.

Second is denial of injury. Example is when we give false name to a stranger that talked to us in the park. We believe that it is wrong but it cannot harm the stranger and it really shouldn’t be a problem.

Third, blaming the victim. Example is throwing a punch to those bullies. We acknowledge doing the wrong action but it was really the victim’s fault for they deserved our behavior by provoking us to do so.

Fourth, condemn the condemners. We abdicate all responsibility for our behavior but we point to the people condemning us because we believe they are the problem.

Fifth, appealing to a higher loyalty. Here, we claimed that we violated some social norms but actually we are conforming to other loyalties and these principles justify our behavior.