Respuesta :


It happens when there is extreme scarcity of the food items.


This would happening to take place as during the course of the larval stage at the time when there is an overlapping set of the reproduction. This is all possible at the time when the large ones are in consumption with the small set of the survivals.

Since antlions larvae are semi-sedentary and develop a sit-and-wait strategy to feed, they experience the strongest competition during this larval stage of their cycle.  


The species receives its name because of the feeding habits of the larval stage. Larvae are strong predators that feed mainly on ants.

Since antlions larvae are semi-sedentary, their feeding strategy is sitting and waiting.

They dig conical-shaped holes in the substrate and remain hidden in the bottom, where they wait for prey to fall into the pit.

Competition is stronger during the larvae stage because they need to be strategic in positioning the pit.

Pits are usually built near the ant's nest to increase the probability of getting prey. However, the closer the pits are to each other, the fewer chances of getting prey. Pits that first block the ants' way will be the ones that get the prey and not the other ones. This competition is known as shadow-competition.

Larvae compete for the space in which to build their tramps. And dispersion turns a significant factor to avoid competition.

It has been hypothesized that antlion larvae reduce shadow competition and increase the feeding probability by building their pits away from others and closer to the source of prey.


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