Please help!
1. What event started the Cold War?

Stalin refused to allow free elections in Eastern Europe forcing nations to be Communist

Two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan.

Stalin was not invited to the Yalta Conference causing feelings of hatred towards the U.S

Soviet troops invaded the Rhineland, which concerned both Britain and the U.S

2. Which is NOT an accurate description of a "Cold War"

A war of words and ideas

Launching of troops and bombs on enemy targets creating combat situations between two armies

Tense rivalry between two countries that can lead to armed combat, if provoked

Fight over strategic areas and alliances using intimidation and covert operations

3.What was the "Iron Curtain"?

A powerful agreement forged at Yalta at the end of WW2

The Security Arrangements that Stalin made to protect himself

Material used to make Soviet tanks

The imaginary boundary separating communist countries from democracies in Europe

4. What was the key point of the policy of containment?

Keep US troops in Western Germany

Prosecute former Nazis in the Nuremberg Trials

Not to let Communism expand to any other countries

Set up alliances in South Asia

5.What act signaled the beginning of the Korean War?

North Korea invaded South Korea

South Korea invaded North Korea

China invaded North Korea

Soviet Union invaded North Korea

Respuesta :

Stalin started the Cold War by invading Poland and reneging on his promise to allow free elections there. This was followed by Soviet occupation of much of the rest of Eastern Europe, as well as aiding communist expansion in Asia.

Here are my answers to the best of my knowledge to your 5 questions.

1) Stalin refused to allow free elections in Eastern Europe forcing nations to be Communist  would be the answer.

  • - Stalin was invited to the Yalta Conference.
  • - Hitler was the one to invade the Rhineland.
  • - The two atomic bombs had no negative affect on the soviet union.

2) The answer to this question would hands down be the  "Launching of troops and bombs on enemy targets creating combat situations between two armies".

The Cold War was never really a "war" to be exact and it was more of a race and a competition between Capitalism And Communism which led to the competitors having a tense rivalry, The cold war was also definitely a war of words and ideas because on many occasions threats were made between the U.S.A and Soviet Union. A way that the two super powers fought over strategic areas or places for resources in the war was without a doubt intimidation, the whole time of the cold war was spent using spies or intimidation tactics to learn about the enemies ideas and plans so that one superpower could one-up the other.

3)  The "Iron Curtain"  was the imaginary boundary separating Communist countries from Democratic countries from Europe.

Stalin wanted the East to be purely Communist and wanted them to follow the Soviet and Communist ideals, and the truth was that Democracy far exceeded Communism. So to keep the people from revolting and trying to over throw the Communist Regime Stalin would not allow a majority Eastern Europe to have any contact with the West thus creating the "Iron Curtain". Many of these problems led to a rebellion in Hungary but we can get into that at a later date.

4) The key point of the "Policy of Containment" was not to let Communism expand to other countries.

The United States created this policy using numerous strategies to prevent and contain the spread of Communism to other countries. This policy was a response to the Soviet Union expanding their Communist influence to China, Korea, and Vietnam.

5) The act that began the Korean war was  North Korea invaded South Korea.

The Korean War (1950-1953) began when Kim Il-Sung's Army crossed the 38th parallel into Non-Communist South Korea. The North Korean army which was armed with Soviet tanks and weapons quickly overran most of South Korea and would have completely taken the country if not for the aid from the U.S.A which within the 3 years of the war was able to push the North Koreans back the 38th Parallel.

I Hope this all helped at least somebody. If I made any errors feel free to correct them, and if anybody needs any more help on any of the World Wars and the Cold War Please feel free to message and ask me.