Suppose you have been appointed by the United Nations to oversee peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.

Your job is the interview both sides and present their top two terms for brining peace to the region.

In your answer, state what each side proposed, and explain in 2-3 sentences why each side chose its term.

Please help!!!

Respuesta :

Two key terms for peace which would be sought by the Palestinian side would be the right of return of Palestinian refugees and that Israel stop building settlements in lands beyond what its borders were before 1967.  Palestinians strongly assert the right for those whose families were displaced dating back to 1948 to be able to return to the territory.  Connected to that, they would want to stop and even roll back settlements Israelis have built in what were Palestinian areas, particularly in the West Bank.

Israel would insist on Palestine swearing off all terrorism and even being demilitarized.  Israel also would want governing control over all of Jerusalem, including the Old City.   Both of these terms are items which Palestinians would object to strongly, saying they treat the two parties unequally.

There are other dynamics to the terms the two sides debate as conditions for peace, but those are some of the key issues.