The fairies (Oberon, Titania, Robin), the lovers (Hermia, Helena, Lysander, Demetrius), and the nobles (Theseus and Hippolyta) speak in rhymed verse or blank verse. However, Bottom and his friends speak in prose (no rhyme or rhythm).

How does this create different tones for the different scenes?

A. The important scenes use lines of rhymed verse to produce a formal tone, while dreamlike scenes use lines of blank verse to produce an informal tone.

B. The lines in prose create a formal tone in the scene, while the lines in verse create an informal tone in the scene.

C. The lines in verse create a formal tone in the scene, while the lines in prose create an informal tone in the scene.

D. The lines of Bottom and his friends are prose, which creates a formal tone to reflect the real world, while the lines of the fairies are rhymed verse, which creates an informal tone to reflect the dream world.

Respuesta :

C. Is the answer my dude

The lines in verse create a formal tone in the scene, while the lines in prose create an informal tone in the scene.


C. The lines in verse create a formal tone in the scene, while the lines in prose create an informal tone in the scene.  


The action takes place in Athens and adjacent woods amid the time of fantasy in antiquated Greece. Be that as it may, the play has the environment and cheerful inclination of a place where there is charm that could be anyplace. In spite of the fact that the characters live in the environs of Athens, a significant number of them talk and act like Elizabethan Englishmen. The season of the activity is June 24. In Elizabethan England, Midsummer Day—the dining experience of Saint John the Baptist—fell on that date. It was a period of devouring and joy. On Midsummer Night, pixies, demons, and witches held their celebration. To dream about Midsummer Night, consequently, was to dream about abnormal animals and bizarre happenings—like those in the play.