We come before you now, not to ask your assistance in an untried experiment, but to give you the high privilege of becoming fellow-laborers with us, in a cause which is already triumphing, and is destined to triumph, until the floods of pollution are stayed, and the whole earth purified by the spirit of the Lord. In our efforts hitherto, we have had to contend not only, or mainly, with ignorance and vice. They are our natural foes, and we had counted the cost of their opposition, and made up our minds accordingly. But we had a right to expect the cooperation of the virtuous and intelligent, of all who are seeking to effect the removal of sin and suffering, and the universal prevalence of purity and holiness. Our Society has these great objects expressly in view. - Female Moral Reform Society, 1836 This passage most closely aligns with which of these movements? A) Abolitionism B) Manifest Destiny C) The Age of Reason D) The Second Great Awakening

Respuesta :

The second great awakening


The correct answer is: D: The Second Great Awakening.


During the 19th century, especially in Europe and the United States, a movement of religious protestant renewal arose, and with it, also came the rise of new religious movements, especially of Baptist and Methodist origins. This Second Awakening, which followed a First Awakening, took place in the 1970´s, it began to ascend in importance in the 1800´s and then saw its peak in the 1840´s, right before the next wave, which happened in the 1850´s. This Second great Awakening called for a religious renewal in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ and through it many people converted into protestant congregations and even new ones arose as well. This passage from the Female Moral Reform Society takes place right in the middle of the Second Great Awakening and it shows the Romantic ideals that surround people´s beliefs at the time, especially regarding religion and how life should be carried out. This is why the correct answer is D.