When a baseball player catches a baseball, the glove "gives" or moves backward. How does this movement affect the change in momentum of the baseball?

A The change in momentum increases because the impact time increases.

B The change in momentum stays the same because the ball still comes to a stop.

Respuesta :

B The change in momentum stays the same because the ball still comes to a stop.


The change in momentum increases because the impact time increases.


When a baseball player catches a baseball, the glove "gives" or moves backward. Momentum of a body is equal to the product of mass and velocity. Also, the change of momentum of an object when it is acted by a force is called impulse. It is represented by J. Mathematically, it can be written as :

[tex]J=F.\Delta t=m\Delta v[/tex]

F is applied force

[tex]\Delta t[/tex] is the time taken by an object to change its momentum

The momentum depends on the force and the time of impact. In this case, as the a baseball player catches a baseball, the gloves move in backward direction. By doing so, the ball comes to rest in larger time.

So, the change in momentum increases because the impact time increases.