Respuesta :

The correct answers are obsessions; compulsions.

Answer 1: Obsessions refer to uncontrollable, intrusive and compelling thoughts and beliefs a person has that causes him or her significant anxiety and distress. An example of an obsession could be constant nagging thoughts about germs, infections and diseases, and a strong prevailing belief that one is at a high risk for contamination. These thoughts would be anxiety provoking and distressing for an individual. 

Answer 2: Compulsions refer to behaviors and actions that are repeated and uncontrollable. Compulsions are behaviors individuals have an urge to perform due to their obsessive thoughts. For instance, if a person has obsessive thoughts about germs, bacteria and contamination, he or she might engage in repeated compulsive behaviors such as over washing his or her hands, avoiding physical contact with perceived unhygienic surfaces and other people. 

Uncontrollable thoughts and worries are to obsessions as uncontrollable behaviors are to compulsions.