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 The main combatant was USA supported by the Arab nations such as Egypt, and Saudi Arabia and combatant two was Iraq.

combatant one won the battle, which was sanctioned by the united nation after Saddam Hussein,failed to honor an ultimatum to withdraw from Kuwait, which he had annexed. The war was also called operation desert bomb.


The two main combatants in the brief Persian Gulf War were the United States and Iraq.


The Gulf War, which took place between August 2, 1990 and February 28, 1991, was a conflict between a 34 large American-led UN coalition and Iraq led by Saddam Hussein.

The Gulf War began when Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, invaded neighboring Kuwait to secure oil sources in August 1990. This prompted the UN to intervene and the United States, with President George H.W. Bush at the forefront, to take the lead regarding military operations, which after a month of battle defeated the Iraqi forces following a prolonged and prior airborne bombing campaign that began on January 17, 1991. US casualties were historically few for a land war, while the Iraqis were significant.