Even though the Roosevelt administration believed U.S. involvement in the war was unavoidable, which of the following best explains the lack of military preparations:
A) The President and his advisors disagreed on this topic.
B) Opinion polls indicated the public continued to favor neutrality.
C) Congress wanted to balance the federal budget.
D) The U.S. Navy was adequately equipped to fight a two-front war.

Respuesta :

B) Opinion polls indicated the public continued to favor neutrality.

US citizens continued to support isolation and wanted the government to concentrate on the issues of the depression instead of the growing aggression in the world. 

The government was prepared for the potential involvement in the war but could not outwardly prepare. FDR and his advisors had some plans and were watching closely but wanted to respect the wants of the people. The government began with neutrality acts and slowly moved to more involvement with the Lend-Lease Act. 

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