5. While bones may provide important clues about the remains, they cannot answer all the questions that a forensic scientist might have about a scene and a deceased person. What other questions might a crime scene investigator have about the remains that cannot be answered by bones alone?

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dna finger printing , clothes

Who is a crime scene investigators

A Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) is in charge of extracting every possible piece of evidence from a particular crime scene. More often than not, they are employed by state or federal law enforcement, but civilians with a background in science may also be qualified for this position.

Other questions a crime scene investigator might hve about the remains that cannot be answered by bones alone?

Crime scene investigators could also ask other questions and collect evidence such as:

  • Fingerprints,

  • Footprints,

  • Tire tracks,

  • Blood

  • And other body fluids, hairs, fibers and fire debris. Identification of blood and other body fluids at the scene.

  • Field detection of drugs and explosives.

The criminalist must answer the following questions when examining dried blood:

(1) Is it blood?

(2) From what species did the blood originate?

(3) If the blood is human, how closely can it be associated with a particular individual? The determination of blood is best made by means of a preliminary color test.

Read more about crime scene investigator:
