Read the excerpt. What are the hopes of man? Old Egypt’s King Cheops erected the first pyramid … thinking it was just the thing To keep his memory whole, and mummy hid: But somebody … Burglariously broke open the coffin’s lid: Let not a monument give you … hopes, Since not a pinch of dust remains of Cheops. On which image is this poem, “Don Juan” by Lord Byron, based? an Egyptian pyramid a careless burglar a royal palace a dusty desert

Respuesta :

Answer: A) an Egyptian pyramid.

Explanation: In the given excerpt from "Don Juan" by Lord Byron, we can see a description of the first pyramid erected by Egypt's King Cheops, to keep his memory and mummy, but the somebody opened the coffin and stole all of the treasures and Cheops remains. This poem, by Lord Byron is based on an image of an Egyptian pyramid, more specifically, the one from King Cheops.