You have been called to a local daycare for a sick child. On scene, panicked daycare workers inform you that the 4-year-old child was lethargic all morning and wanted to sleep. After resting for several minutes, she began to shake all over. This lasted for approximately 30 seconds. Your assessment reveals her to be responsive to painful stimuli and breathing adequately. Her airway is open and her radial pulse is strong and bounding. Her skin is hot and moist to the touch with no signs of cyanosis noted. You are told that she has no medical history. En route to the hospital, the patient's mental status improves. Based on this presentation and information, you assume that the seizure occurred secondary to:
Select one:
a. hypoglycemia.
b. altered mental status.
c. hypoxia.
d. fever.

Respuesta :


d. fever.


Probably the child has a fever.

When the organism is attacked by an external agent or a disease of the internal organs, the thermostat can raise the temperature two or three degrees above usual values, which characterizes fever. In fact, fever is not a disease; It is a reaction of the body against some anomaly. Nor is it necessarily an evil. In infections, for example, it helps the defense system get rid of the offending agent.


d. fever.


You have been called to a local daycare for a sick child. On scene, panicked daycare workers inform you that the 4-year-old child was lethargic all morning and wanted to sleep. After resting for several minutes, she began to shake all over. This lasted for approximately 30 seconds. Your assessment reveals her to be responsive to painful stimuli and breathing adequately. Her airway is open and her radial pulse is strong and bounding. Her skin is hot and moist to the touch with no signs of cyanosis noted. You are told that she has no medical history. En route to the hospital, the patient's mental status improves. Based on this presentation and information, you assume that the seizure occurred secondary to fever.