Your niece loves fairy tales. Even though she hasn't learned to read yet, she has memorized word-for-word all her books of fairy tales. When you give her a new fairy tale book, she is able to memorize it quickly, probably because she has developed a ______________ for fairy tales.

Respuesta :

Answer: Schema


A schema is defined as the cognitive or conceptual framework that aims to organize and interpret certain information. The schemes allow people to take shortcuts in the interpretation of information that is found daily, in turn, allows the exclusion of information that is not of interest to the person and that allows confirming their beliefs and pre-existing ideas. The latter mentioned above can lead the person to maintain stereotypes and retain information that is not under the ideas established in the world.

Schemes can be beneficial for people since they help filter information and choose what is of interest to them and are following their beliefs, but at the same time, it can make the person not allow himself to acquire new information.

In the case of my niece, she loves fairy tales so much that even reading a new book develops the ability to memorize quickly since this is something of interest to her. It is normal for people to assimilate better what catches their attention.