Respuesta :


"Hello librarian", the student said,  walking up to the desk and setting down his books.

"Hello Timmy. How can I help you today", the librarian replied.

"I just wanted to check out these books" Timmy said.

"Good. Do you have a membership card"?

"No", explained Timmy. "Can I get one".

"Yes you can", said the librarian. "Here is the form to fill out". Timmy filled out the form and turned it back over to the librarian.

"Great", said the librarian. "Here is your card".

"Thanks", said Timmy and he took his card and books. "Now, I can read even more"!

"Enjoy your books Timmy" the librarian said as he turned and left. "I hope to see you again soon".

"You will" Timmy said leaving.


124 words.