There is enormous support in our country for what . . . Gorbachev is doing inside—inside the Soviet Union. There is enormous respect and support for the way he has advocated peaceful change in Europe. And so this meeting accomplished everything that I had hoped it would. . . . So I think, if a meeting can improve relations, I think this one has.
–Bush-Gorbachev News Conference in Malta,
President George H. W. Bush
How does President Bush describe the changes in Europe and the Soviet Union? Check all that apply.
Bush says Gorbachev supports change.
Bush does not want change in the USSR.
Bush states that peace is not possible.
Bush wants Europe to cooperate.
Bush thinks their relationship is improving.

Respuesta :


Bush says Gorbachev supports change.

Bush thinks their relationship is improving.


According to George Bush's speech in Bush-Gorbachev News Conference in Malta, he described the changes in Europe and the Soviet Union as progressive.

He comments that Gorbachev, the Soviet leader supports peaceful change in Europe and that he believes that their relationship is improving.


"A, E"

Bush says Gorbachev supports change.

Bush thinks their relationship is improving.
