Respuesta :

Answer and Explanation:

Industrial cities exploited workers and did not pay them fairly. Allowing them not to have enough money to have a good quality of life. This meant that workers had to live in maginalized suburbs with little structure. In addition, the workplaces were inhospitable and caused various damages to workers.

The suburbs grew absurdly and got worse and worse, crime in these places skyrocketed and many residents lived in a situation of misery, even though they were working in factories.

The early reformers sought to create unions that demand fair treatment and payment to workers, so that they could have a dignified life. In addition to looking for improvements in the workplace and labor rights.


Industrial cities of this time period played host to a variety of problems, such as corruption of city officials, who were often bribed to look the other way if safety or sanitary standards were not met. As well as unsafe living conditions. This was especially evident in the tenements in which many immigrants were forced to live in their own waste mixed with two or three of their neighbors simply because their was no room. Illnesses were more frequent in these areas and crime was an everyday thing. Laborers who worked in the factories were often subject to extremely unsafe conditions and incredibly low pay. Early reformers tried to stop this by creating labor unions, electing new officials, and building new homes for the immigrants to stay in and be educated in american culture and society so that they would fit in better,
