
HELPPP!! Directions: Respond to these questions to the best of your ability. Answer the questions completely. If you need more space, use the back or a separate sheet.

1. dentify two examples of personification: explain what is being personified how.

2. Identify an example of simile: explain which two things are being compared.

3. Identify an example of metaphor: explain which two things are being compared.

4. Find an example of alliteration. List the alliterative words.

5. Why is every other line contained in quotation marks? What is the effect of this technique?

6. In the third stanza of the poem, the speaker references “pinnedup sleeves”: why would someone pin their sleeves? To what is the speaker referring and how do you know? Use evidence from the text.

7. What is the mood of this poem? How does it make you feel and why does it make you feel this way?

8. What is the thematic message of this poem? In other words, what lesson is the author attempting to express with this poem? Explain your answer.

HELPPP Directions Respond to these questions to the best of your ability Answer the questions completely If you need more space use the back or a separate sheet class=

Respuesta :

1. Guns are given the ability to sing. And bulges get the ability to cry. They are both personification because they are items given quality’s of a person.

2. Broken body’s are compared to honey comb. It is a simile because it uses the word like

3. The guns and death are compared to death and it’s a metaphor because it is not using like it as

4. The first sentence uses alliteration because it says sing songs.

5: there are quotation marks in a lot of the sentences because there are multiply speakers one saying that there is good In war and the second saying that war is horrible.

6. The person could have pined there sleeves up because he lost his arm fighting and they are representing the people that have lost limbs in war.

7. Like I said in the other question the poem has two people speaking so there are multiple moods one glorifying war and one showing the horrors of war

8. War is not fun and we shouldn’t be celebrating it. But we need to appreciate all that it has done for us

Try not to use my exact answers because they are close to the answer key. Hope this help. :)


1. identify two examples of personification: explain what is being personified how.--In the 3rd Stanza and the 8th.

2. Identify an example of simile: explain which two things are being compared.-- The 8th and I think...the 9th sorry.

3. Identify an example of metaphor: explain which two things are being compared.--I know i'm using the 8 stanza a lot but it mean the deceased bodies are dripping blood.

4. Find an example of alliteration. List the alliterative words.-- The 3rd stanza. Billowing flags, The bungles,and cry before.

5. Why is every other line contained in quotation marks? What is the effect of this technique?--Its like that because when there's no " marks it mean he's saying it in his head not out loud and its not an action.

6. In the third stanza of the poem, the speaker references “pinnedup sleeves”: why would someone pin their sleeves? To what is the speaker referring and how do you know? Use evidence from the text.--Im so sorry but I don't understand this one...

7. What is the mood of this poem? How does it make you feel and why does it make you feel this way?--This is a question you need to answer because it a point of you.

What is the thematic message of this poem? In other words, what lesson is the author attempting to express with this poem? Explain your answer.--Well,the massage is that apparently a lot went on during this war and lots of people died during it and many people were in pain from this war.

Hope this helps

,but can you please give me brain list if this helps you?