Please HEEEELP someone!!? Thank uuuu!!!

1. Which geographic feature limited the expansion of West Africa civilizations?
A. Drakensberg Mountains
B. Great Rift Valley
C. Nile River
D. Sahara Desert

2. How did camels help increase trade across geographic barriers of northern Africa?
A. They pulled loaded carts much faster then horses did.
B. They needed little sleep and rarely became ill.
C. They carried heavier loads and traveled far without water.
D. They traveled at night more easily then most other animals.

3. How did Arab Muslims primarily interact with East African city states?
A. Through conquest
B. Through pilgrimage
C. Through scholarship
D. Through trade

Respuesta :

1 is A
2 is C
3 is D
1. the answer is C
2. the answer is C
3. the answer is D