john is the listing agent for the seller and the seller has not authorized john to act as a dual agent. a buyer calls john, who is interested in the property and would like to see it. what agency disclosure would be most appropriate for john to provide to the buyer?

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Even though the seller has not allowed John to act as dual agent, he should provide disclosure form to the buyer.

Dual agent: Most real estate transactions involve separate agents representing the buyer and seller. Each agent protects the interests of their individual client. However, both the buyer and seller may decide to use the same real estate agent. This arrangement is known as dual agency.

In a dual-agency situation, instead of working with separate agents, the buyer and seller collaborate with a single agent who represents both of them. A dual agency occurs when a buyer and a seller use the same brokerage. It can also occur when a buyer contacts the listing agent without being represented by a buyer's agent, such as through a for-sale sign or an online listing.

Learn more about dual agency here: