HI LOOK AT THIS OK is this relatable to anyone lol so how come people automatically assume I am offended when I come back with a snappy comeback lol or if I have a difference of opinion there like hey shush its ok ur just salty and offended like lol just because i share my opinion doesn't mean i am offended like whats there to be offended about (disclamier dont worry im not offended haha i am just wondering and curious) I also like literally said to my cousin I think my flannel looks amazing on you and shes says no its hideous and then my other cousin who is a guy said uhh no im sorry but its horrible dont where that or else u will ruin your "popularity" like that is by far the most unitelligible thing anyone can say xD and then I say dude u have no sense of style in a joking way then he is like no no stop ur just salty and offended and i am like wait what i was just trying to be funny and he is like well if u try and come back with something that just means ur offended i wasn't offended at all i didn't care or take it personally at all then he is like i wear under armour which is much more expensive then your hobo looking clothes and u look like a boy and i said well under armour is what everybody wheres and its basic and he is like no ur just offended because i have good style with expensive clothing and ur style is horrible and no girls wear what u wear and im like wait what but ik a lot of girls who wear stuff like this in a non-offensive way then he is just like no ur just offended so i am just confused on why i should be offended why he automatically assumed that i was offended and why he interprets my reactions , facial movements and just simply talking as me being offended is it because i sound offended when i am actually not because i wasn't I just think he was sorta offended so people heres my question was this relatable and how could i have handled it better or whats some good come backs for next time or what ur guys thoughts about it or just help me not to look offended or just give me some advice please thanks

Respuesta :

This is and will always be relatable to everyone, well in my perspective. You dont have to always wear what everyone else is wearing all the time. ( And to be quite frank with you i have 4 flannels hanging up in my closet!) You could have handled this situation a little better by not trying to joke around (especially if you know he cant take jokes (not saying that you said he did)).

Woah....UM.....this is too much, I bet you're great in writing when it comes to essays, huh? haha.