Respuesta :

The best way to keep your bearings is by having to respect the place in which you are to be careful and to preserve the wild life by not having to meddle the things around you, such as putting up a fire, catching wild animals or other things that may be disrespectful to the place that you in to.

When you are hiking into unfamiliar terrain, you should keep bearings by taking regular compass readings and plotting your progress on a map. To plot your progress, you should learn to set a course and take bearings.



There are some tips to keep your track safely, it is by choosing proper topographic maps and compasses:

• Topographic Map

Every time you are in a remote or unfamiliar place, a topographic map and compass are the important things to bring. Topographic map is created from aerial photographs and disclose the contours of the land, it includes hills, ridges, and valleys. It can also be rivers, lakes, trails, creeks, and roads. You can compare the topographic map of the area where you attempt to hunt with recent photos from the satellites. Usually, you will get inconsistencies afore you go out in your hunting field.

• Compass

Compass is the essential thing of tools for outdoor travel such as hiking. It aims to show direction concerning geographic cardinal points. You should buy a good orienteering compass to support your travel.

• Global Positioning System (GPS)

Thanks to the advancement of technology that has brought the good tool named GPS. GPS is a direction-finding system based on a network of satellites. GPS users can determine their actual location such as latitude and longitude in any kind of weather condition around the world anytime it needed. You can use your GPS unit to spot important locations, for instance, your campsite or the location of your vehicle. Spot any location that you think is related to your hunting process. It can be tree stands location, scrapes, wallows, game trails, animal sightings, and many more.


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

• You are hiking into unfamiliar terrain. What is the best way to keep your bearings?

Keywords :

Hunter ethics, unfamiliar terrain

Subject  : Social Studies

Class  : 10-12

Sub-Chapter : Hunting