Ariel scored on 12 two-point and three-point shots. She scored 27 points in all. How many of each shot did Ariel make? Show work.

Respuesta :

for this, you multiply the 12 two point shots she made to see how many points she earned
12 x 2 = 24
now you will subtract the 24 from 27 to find out how many points are left
27 - 24 = 3
this means she made 12 two point shots (worth 24 points) and 1 three point shot (worth 3 points) to total up as her 27 points:)
She made 12 two-point shots and 1 three-point shots. 

You multiply 12 by 2=24. 
You need to find the number of points for the two points in order to find the amount of the one points.

You have to subtract to find the number of points left over

Then you divide the amount of point for the three points.