
Information from reputable sources that's accurate, but doesn't support the major claim in a text is called 

       A. relevant evidence.   B. irrelevant evidence.   C. relevant claims.   D. irrelevant claims.

Respuesta :

b. irrelevant evidence. a claim would be something that hasn’t been proven yet, so if it is accurate according to studies from the source, it just doesn’t matter

The correct answer is B. Irrelevant evidence


In texts, information that is accurate and explains or supports a specific fact or situation is known as evidence, this includes quotations, articles, books, analysis and any other reliable material. Additionally, evidence can be classified as relevant if it helps you to support your major claim or thesis statement or irrelevant if despite being reliable it does not help you to support your claim and therefore is not relevant to include it in your text. For example, if you claim recycling is the best way to solve pollution, information related to how to recycle is irrelevant evidence as this information is valid but does not help you prove the claim. Thus, information from reputable sources that's accurate but doesn't support the major claim is irrelevant evidence.